Animal Feed
List of Global Animal Feed
Big picture
Animal Feed
FOB Price : 300 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 100 Metric Ton
Port : Antwerp
Lead Time : 14-21
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Indian Cotton Seed Hull
Port : Any port in India
Lead Time : 30days
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Cotton Seed Cake
FOB Price : USD 250 USD / M.Ton
MOQ : 24 M.Ton's / M.Ton
Port : Karachi
Lead Time : 10 days
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Cotton Seed Meal
Port : odessa
Lead Time : 15-20 days first payment
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Cottonseed Meal
FOB Price : 260 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 20 Metric Ton
Lead Time : As soon as possible
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Cotton Seed Meal Animal Feed
Lead Time : 14-21 days after receiving payment
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Fishmeal 58% - 60% - 65% of Protein
FOB Price : 1720 - 1850 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 100 Metric Ton
Port : Guayaquil
Lead Time : 8 days 30 days for shipment, depending on destination
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Fecal Occult Blood Tests
FOB Price : 1 USD / Bushel
MOQ : 1 Bushel
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