Office & School Supplies
Educational Equipment
List of Global Educational Equipment
Big picture
3D Human Model with Muscles
FOB Price : 30 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1 Piece
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XK-PLCS1 PLC Training Kit for Educational Lab
FOB Price : 850 USD / Set
MOQ : 3 Set
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Hot Sale Foldable Laptop Stand
FOB Price : 5.25 - 5.75 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1000 Piece
Port : Shenzhen
Lead Time : 10 days
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Forklift Simulator and Virtual Training /Forklift Virtual Reality Simulator/Forklift Personal Simula
FOB Price : 1800 - 3500 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1 Piece
Port : Shanghai
Lead Time : 7days
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Vehicle Chains & Tracks Manufacturer
FOB Price : 8 - 8000 USD / Unit
MOQ : 50000 Unit
Lead Time : 30-180days
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Oral University Training Teaching Education DV Teaching System
FOB Price : 3800 - 4000 USD / Set
MOQ : 1 Set
Lead Time : 25days after receiving payment
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New Play Station 5 Console Disc Version
FOB Price : 200 USD / Unit
MOQ : 5 Unit
Port : USA
Lead Time : 7 days
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Doctor of Education (EdD)
FOB Price : 1 USD / Set
MOQ : 1 Set
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