Building & Construction
Fireproofing Materials
List of Global Fireproofing Materials
Big picture
Cut Glass Fiber Into Shreds
FOB Price : 12480 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 20 Metric Ton
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Melamine Cyanurate (MCA)
Lead Time : 7-15 days
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Calcium Silicate Pipe
FOB Price : 10 USD / Square Meter
MOQ : 100 Square Meter
Port : qingdao
Lead Time : 30
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Paper Bowl
FOB Price : 0.01 - 0.2 USD / Piece
MOQ : 50 Piece
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Refractory Silicon Carbide SiSiC Crucibles & Saggers for Mettallurgy & Kilns
FOB Price : 23 USD / Unit
MOQ : 10 Unit
Port : Qingdao
Lead Time : According to the order qty, normally 30 days
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Magnisum Foaming Agent
FOB Price : 2000 USD / Kilogram
MOQ : 1000 Kilogram
Port : guangdong
Lead Time : 7days
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Fire Resistant Glass
FOB Price : 50 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1 Piece
Lead Time : 15-30days
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Mineral Wool / Rock Wool Core Sandwich Panels for Roof and Wall Applications
FOB Price : 25 - 35 USD / Square Meter
MOQ : 450 Square Meter
Port : Jabel ali
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Glass-Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GRC)
FOB Price : 10 - 9999 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1 Piece
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