Computer Hardware & Software
List of Global Motherboards
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Customize Copper CPU Heatsink
Lead Time : 15-25days after confirming all inforamtions
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ASRock H110 Pro BTC+ 13GPU Mining Motherboard Cryptocurrency
FOB Price : 120 - 180 USD / Unit
MOQ : 15 Unit
Port : Doorstep
Lead Time : 4
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B150 Mining ATX Motherboard for Cryptocurrency Mining with 7 PCIe X1 Slots (B150ATX-A-E)
FOB Price : 100 - 150 USD / Unit
MOQ : 10 Unit
Port : Worldwide
Lead Time : 4
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Computer Motherboard Scrap
FOB Price : USD 500 USD / 600
MOQ : 500MT / 600
Port : Istanbul
Lead Time : 21 DAYS
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Computer Motherboard Scrap
FOB Price : USD 400 USD / 450
MOQ : 100MT / 450
Port : Felixstowe port
Lead Time : 21 DAYS
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Computer Motherboard Scrap
FOB Price : USD 500 USD / 700
MOQ : 500MT / 700
Port : Felixstowe UK
Lead Time : 30days
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Computer Motherboard Scrap
FOB Price : USD 400 USD / 500
MOQ : 500MT / 500
Port : Warsaw port
Lead Time : 30days
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Computer Motherboard Scrap
FOB Price : USD 500 USD / 600
MOQ : 500MT / 600
Lead Time : 30 DAYS
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Computer Scrap
Lead Time : prompt
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Computer Motherboard Scrap
FOB Price : USD 400 USD / 500
MOQ : 100MT / 500
Port : Busan port
Lead Time : 21 DAYS
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s2600cw2 Server Motherboard
FOB Price : USD 455 USD / 1
MOQ : 1 / 1
Port : shenzhen
Lead Time : 4 days
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