Minerals & Metallurgy
Other Non-Metallic Minerals & Products
List of Global Other Non-Metallic Minerals & Products
Big picture
Evaporation Materials
FOB Price : USD 7 USD / kg
MOQ : 25kg / kg
Port : Shanghai
Lead Time : 3days
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Silicon Metal and Silicon Metal Powder (Low Price)
FOB Price : 1000 USD / Ton
MOQ : 10 Ton
Lead Time : Within 7 days
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Zinc Ore
Lead Time : within 3odays
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Superfine High Whitness Liaoning Haichen Talc Powder for Chemical Industries in China
FOB Price : 120 - 150 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 10 Metric Ton
Port : Dalian or Yingkou
Lead Time : 3-10 days
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Synthetic Slag
FOB Price : 6937 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 20 Metric Ton
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Talc Stone
FOB Price : 220 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 100 Metric Ton
Port : karachi
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Quick Lime
FOB Price : USD 60 USD / MT
MOQ : 25 MT / MT
Port : Haiphong
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Barbecue Bamboo Charcoal Rod
FOB Price : USD 570 USD / ton
MOQ : 1*20' container / ton
Port : China
Lead Time : 30 days (based on the qty)
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Selenium 74 Enriched
FOB Price : USD 15000 USD / gram
MOQ : 100g / gram
Port : ASWP
Lead Time : 24 days
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