Electronic Components & Supplies
Passive Components
List of Global Passive Components
Big picture
Double-Sided PCB
Lead Time : 5-12Days
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High TG HASL Lead Free 2 Layers PCB Board SEMSHINE
FOB Price : 1 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1 Piece
Lead Time : 3-35days
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1 -32 Layers FPC Board
FOB Price : 5 USD / Pack
MOQ : 1 Pack
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Fast Produce Custom Design 0.4mm Pitch 5 To 50 PIN Flex Flat Fpc Cable with Stiffener
FOB Price : 0.55 - 2.5 USD / Piece
MOQ : 10 Piece
Port : shenzhen
Lead Time : 15-25
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FOB Price : 7.4 USD / Piece
MOQ : 200 Piece
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Professional Custom Fpc Rohs Flex Circuit Board Flexible PCB Manufacturer Fpc
FOB Price : 3.99 - 10 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1 Piece
Port : Shenzhen Port
Lead Time : 7-15days
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Flexible Board From Shenzhen Fast PCB Technology
FOB Price : 0.3 - 0.5 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1 Piece
Port : Shenzhen
Lead Time : 10 days for 2-1000 pieces
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