Minerals & Metallurgy
List of Global Refractory
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FOB Price : USD 10 USD / 90
MOQ : / 90
Lead Time : 30 days
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Tungsten Boat
Port : shanghai/shenzhen
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Molybdenum-Niobium Alloy Target,Sheet
FOB Price : 70 USD / Kilogram
MOQ : 1 Kilogram
Port : Shanghai
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China Silicon Metal Supplier Sell Silicon Powder with Good Price High Quality
FOB Price : 1000 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 1 Metric Ton
Port : Qingdao
Lead Time : 10 days after we get your deposit
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Molybdenum Crucibles for E-Beam Sources
FOB Price : 25 USD / Piece
MOQ : 10 Piece
Port : Shanghai
Lead Time : 7 days
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AZS Block
FOB Price : 1800 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 10 Metric Ton
Port : Tianjin
Lead Time : 10-45
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Ladle Covering Compound
FOB Price : 6937 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 20 Metric Ton
Port : Mundra India
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SiC Refractory Brick
FOB Price : 8 USD / Piece
MOQ : 200 Piece
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Refractory Life Booster
FOB Price : 6937 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 20 Metric Ton
Port : Mundra India
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Refractory Grade Chrome Oxide Green SR-G
FOB Price : 4000 USD / Ton
MOQ : 1 Ton
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