Minerals & Metallurgy
Steel Wire
List of Global Steel Wire
Big picture
Steel Wire
FOB Price : 700 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 300 Metric Ton
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Steel Wire Rope
FOB Price : 200 USD / Meter
MOQ : 5000 Meter
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Steel Wire
FOB Price : 800 USD / Metric Ton
MOQ : 25 Metric Ton
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Galvanized Steel Wire Strand
Lead Time : within 20 days after receiving your payment
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High Resistance To Tension and Abrasion Detonation Cable
FOB Price : 6.5 - 7.6 USD / Kilogram
MOQ : 2000 Kilogram
Port : Ningbo
Lead Time : 20days
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Stainless Steel Wire (Rope Wire)
FOB Price : 1.26 - 1000.18 USD / Kilogram
MOQ : 10 Kilogram
Port : tianjin
Lead Time : 20-45 days after payment
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Steel Wire Rope(Ungalvanized and Galvanized) From China with ISO9001 and Competitive Price
FOB Price : 0.01 - 5 USD / Kilogram
MOQ : 1 Kilogram
Port : nantong
Lead Time : 20days after payment
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Double Triangle Wall Ties Wire Made in China High Quality
FOB Price : 0.3 USD / Piece
MOQ : 1000 Piece
Lead Time : 15-20days
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