Packaging & Printing
Transport Packaging
List of Global Transport Packaging
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Builder FIBC Bags
Lead Time : Depends on Product and Quantity
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Foldable/Collapsible Custom Wooden Box Printing
FOB Price : 10 USD / Piece
MOQ : 100 Piece
Port : shanghai
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BIDIFU Plastic Crate NC6244
Port : Guangzhou
Lead Time : 20days
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Medical Oxygen Cylinders/1L-68L
FOB Price : USD 9 USD / PCS
MOQ : 100PCS / PCS
Port : Shanghai/Ningbo
Lead Time : Within 25 days after an order confirmed
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Foldable Pallet
Lead Time : 1 month
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Plastic Pallet
FOB Price : 20 USD / Piece
MOQ : 400 Piece
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