Minerals & Metallurgy
Wire Mesh
List of Global Wire Mesh
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Gabion Basket and Gabion Mattress
Lead Time : Within 15 days
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Galvanized Iron Wire
FOB Price : 3 - 100 USD / Roll
MOQ : 100 Roll
Port : Tianjin
Lead Time : 7-15 days
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Galvanized Wire Mesh & Iron Wire Mesh
Port : tianjin
Lead Time : 20-45 days after payment
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High Tensile Steel and Heavy Galvanized 3mm Tecco Mesh
FOB Price : 7.5 - 9.5 USD / Square Meter
MOQ : 1 Square Meter
Port : tianjin
Lead Time : 20 day
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Hot Dipped Galvanized Wire
FOB Price : 666 USD / Ton
MOQ : 1 Ton
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Temporary Fence
FOB Price : USD 20 USD / set
MOQ : 100 / set
Port : Xingang
Lead Time : 20 days for OEM
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Wire Tree Mesh Rootball Basket for Tree Nusery
MOQ : 1X20'GP container FCL / pcs.
Port : China port
Lead Time : 20-30 days after order approval
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Fiberglass Mesh
FOB Price : USD 1 USD / roll
MOQ : 100rolls / roll
Port : tianjin
Lead Time : 7-15days
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Hot Dipped Galvanized Anti Climb 358 Fence for Prison
FOB Price : USD 12 USD / m2
MOQ : 100m2 / m2
Lead Time : about 15 days
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Square Wire Mesh Fence/Galvanized Wire Mesh Roll
FOB Price : USD 148 USD / roll
MOQ : 100 rolls / roll
Port : Tianjin
Lead Time : Shipped in 5 days after payment
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Port : Xingang,China
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