Afrique Trans Agro Company
Afrique Trans Agro Company
Company Overview

PAMOL Plantations PLC is an agro-industrial company with head office in Lobe Ndian Division of the South West Region of Cameroon.

Ndian division is one of the six administrative units that constitute the South West Region with its headquarters in Mundemba. Ndian has a surface area of 6,165km2 (25% of the region).

The population (17% urban and 83% rural) in 2010 was 118,465 comprising 63,065 women and 55,399 men (SOWELA projections, 2014) representing a population density of about 22 inhabitants per km2.

PAMOL Plantations PLC is a gigantic agro-industrial establishment with a labour force of over 3.320 (direct and indirect employment), managing three Estates with Oil Palm “red gold” and Rubber as main cash crops.

The Estates include Ndian and Lobe, specialized in the production of palm oil and Bai expanding in the rubber sector, all covering a total surface area of 10.368 hectares of landmass under its operational command.

Apart from these main estates, the company developed 3000 hectares of palm at Ekondo-Nene and has an ongoing project of 1000 hectares at Mosongeselle. Among these estates, Ndian estate is the largest assisted by Lobe then Bai. Within the Ndianestate PAMOL has five divisions that is Mundimba camp, Mana, Makeke, Ikassa, Center 1, 2 and 3. Lobe has Bekora, Ngolo Metoko, Lobe and Bongongo while BAI estate is made up of BAI palm fields 1, 2, and 3 and Bai rubber fields 1, 2 and 3. Ekondo-Nene has three fields 1, 2 and 3.

The mill factory in Ndian has a capacity of producing fifteen tons of palm oil in one hour and employs forty one persons while the mill factory at Lobe has a milling capacity of fourteen tons of palm oil in one hour and employs sixty four persons.

However, this mill in Lobe has a department where soap is produced. Equally, these two estates have hospitals with resident medical doctors and the wards stratified base on status that from Top management to middle management and the operational management to general labour. Summarily, PAMOL has six major branches which constitute the size of the company as follows, Lobe Estate, Ndian Estate, Bai Estate, Ekondo–Nene, Mosongeselle the current site under development and the Douala branch office.

Company Information
Afrique Trans Agro Company
Business Type
Manufacturer, Trading Company, Distributor/Wholesaler
Main Products
City / State
Kumba, South West
Lobe Estate, Ekondo Titi, Cameroon
Established Year
Factory Information
Factory Size
Total QC Staff
Total RND Staff
Number of Production Lines
Annual output
Average Lead Time
Trading Information
Total Revenue
Export Percentage
Nearest Port
Overseas Office
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