Thanks for your warm assistances and supports to this company, and pleased to brief our industrial biocide business once again through this page.Historically the war against bacteria or other microbials continues.The control of those microbials in environment and industries gives a great influence on human life and also has a direct connection with.It is well known that microbials like bacteria, fungi, yeasts and seaweeds breed and increase in the industrial products and water system of industrial production process, which causes the deterioration of the products quality or productivity and, in occasion makes big loss by having production lines stop.This company set up an industrial biocide team in 1988 in order to help the industries to solve the troubles from microbials in general by making diagnosis & prescription on the various industrial microbial troubles and has been executing our defeat of the microbials in the water or everywhere of the industries.Please let us know any microbial trouble without hesitation any time anywhere.We will serve you to solve it. President CHOI, BYUNG KWON.