International trading company Bankom Ltd. was founded in 1992, in private ownership. Our headoffice is located in Zemun, Belgrade.At the beginning, our main activity was wholesale in the food-grain sector, chemical and electrical energy products.Due to our successful operating, Bankom gradually expanded business and developed into the Bankom Group and today operates in two main sectors: trading and manufacturing.Today, Bankom is considered as leader wholesaler of cereals, and leader manufacturer and trading company of soybean products, animal food, components for the production of animal feed and etc.Since the 2003. Bankom became the majority stock holder in Oil and protein factory Bioprotein, Obrenovac. From almost deserted factory, we have created modern organized plant that once again became leader manufacturer of soybean products in our region. We have maintained traditional, healthy, quality of the products, by using only genetically unmodified soybean in production. Today we produce soybean flours, oil, soybean cake, soybean and different vegetable concentrates for feed industry, premixes, milk replacers for young animal categories and many more products.Recently we have improved our technical capabilities and become owners of silos and dryers, for guaranteed adequate storage of grain. Also, we offer port services on the Sava River at the plant site, near Obrenovac.Confident in the quality of our own raw materials and factory, in 1998. weve opened another production plant, Farmavit, Ljubinje for the production of complete animal feed, premixes and components for animal food, this way by providing quality raw materials to the new plant, we guarantee the best prices to our customers. Also, here we have highly modern and equipped broiler farm with capacity of 1.000.000 broilers per round. 2002. in the ecologically clean environment of Herzegovina, in Ljubinje, we have created meat industry Imel, Ljubinje licensed by the well-known domestic manufacturer. By foundation of broiler farm we circled chain of production - we produce the meat we use in the production of finished meat products of Imel Ljubinje. In 2002. Bankom became stock holder of Hospitality-tourist company Leotar, Trebinje, which included Bankom in the new operating sector-tourism and hospitality. Reconstructing existing capacities of the hotel, weve created a modern hotel according to latest standards.In 2010. Hotel Nevski ,started with work, in Venizelosova street in downtown of Belgrade. The hotel was built in modern style, equipped according to the highest standards, in order to provide our guests pleasant and unforgettable stay in our city.