The aim of CFS Drop Forge is the continuous improvement of our products and manufacturing processes to ensure that we remain the preferred supplier of quality drop forgings. A commitment from every person within the organisation is encouraged by means of participation in improvements in our products and our manufacturing process.All products are manufactured in a way that when used in the normal accepted manner shall comply with all statutory requirements and acceptable standards of quality using the recommended reference systems and business objectives.When reliability, consistency, quality, and strength is a must, designers and engineers look to forging for the unique advantages of fine grain and high density free from internal inconsistencies. Drop forging process ensures maximum strength in the high stress areas and maximum strength to weight ratio.CFS Drop Forge can assist you in the design and manufacture of your custom drop forgings by incorporating the latest computer technology and years of experience. Our facilities and the expertise of our staff ensure you and your operations benefit from the finest steel forgings in Ningbo,China