It all started in 1987, when a small producer, Mr. Dias, planted his first coconut tree in the District of Calumbi I, in Paraipaba/CE, where one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Lagoinha, is located.
After 4 years, of taking great care with each coconut tree planted, the small production of fruit coconuts (in-natura) began, which was sold, for the most part, to customers in southeastern Brazil.
Over the years, new areas were planted and coconut production grew. But there were times during the year when there was too much product for too few buyers.
Then, at the end of 2002, Mr. Dias and his son Bruno, who was already working with him, observed that there were many sellers of coconut fruit in the national market, for a small consumer market. It was then that they decided to create a coconut factory, which would be called Dikoko. And its first product would be Frozen Coconut Pulp (white almonds from dried coconuts), a product that is the basis for the manufacture of grated coconut, coconut milk and coconut oil.