Guangzhou Jusney Craft Factory established in 1982,we specialized in giving fabulous design crafts, high quality products and considerate atersale service for the world cellphone accessories market for more than 20 years.We have also set up our own brand.Our customers spread all around the world,such as Japan and France, especially Europe, South America, North America,the Middle East and Asia. All of our efforts and power were devoted to the production of hign quality crafts and world first-rate design.Thanks to ,we have the chance to stand directly before you and give you the best service with more convenience and nice price. Having 20 years factory operating experience,we have a monthly 100000 items production capacity.More than 10 kinds of newest designs come out of our world first rate designing-term every week.Located in Guangzhou,fast shipping is easy to be guaranteed. All of our products must pass through strict inspection during the production process and checked carefully one by one before the shipment.We lay special importance on before and after sale service. Any defective items will be replaced the time you receive it and 7 days refund will be offerred unconditionally .Welcome to visit our factory and deigning-team .OEM and ODM orders are highly appreciated.