10 Years Experience-Handbag Hardware Accessories ExpertsGuangzhou Tengyuan hardware factory was founded in 2008, which is located in Huadu district, Guangzhou city. We have our own factory that specializes in producing thousand kinds of accessories for bags/luggage, garments, shoes. The main products are metal labels, zipper, slider, snap hook, ring, rivet, locks etc. with our professinal work team, we keep developping new designs and improve our technology to lower cost and better quality, we could promise you an amazing hardware products and a best price and excellent service and a quick response and a fast delivery and effective problem-solving systerm. we do a lot of efforts on overall development and quality control system. We will provide high quality hardware accessories, reasonable price and fast delivery time, also excellent service on before-sale,on sale and after-sale, 24h on time, we are very willing to be your purchasing agency in China mainland. Send your inquiry to me now, I am ready to support you.