Murli Krishna Pharma Private Limited
Murli Krishna Pharma Private Limited
Company Overview

Murli Krishna Pharma Pvt. Ltd., (MKPPL) from INDIA. MKPPL is one of the leading Manufacturer and exporters of Pharmaceutical pellets, micro pellets and micro granules with the mission of providing and efficient services to Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Traders and Overseas clients, providing a wide range of products. MKPPL have lined up front line manufacturers since 2004 with high morale, holding WHO/GMP and European Union certification.
Please find attached herewith our company details for your reference.

** USP/Unique Speciality of MKPPL’s Pellets:

*Ready to fill any size of capsules
*MKPPL, is a development based company, manufacturing oral dosage pellets based on specialty coating, using an aqueous based technology as pellets enhances the stability of API.
*No organic solvents used during coating or at any other stage of manufacturing.
*MKPPL manufactures a complete range of pellets from regular size (12#14) to micro-pellets (30#40).
*No processing prior to capsule and dry syrup filling resulting in substantial cost and time saving.
*Better in-vitro and in-vivo absorption profile (matching with innovator’s profile) for long term Pharmacological action.
*The plant has been audited & approved for GMP compliance as per ICH guidelines & Manufacturing by European Union (EU),WHO-GMP, vide statutory site audits by Indian FDA, Local GMP issued by FDA.
*The only pelletization unit in India that has been accorded the status of being a 100% Export Oriented Unit (EOU).

WHO- GMP & European Certification Product List:
Omeprazole Pellets 7.5%, 8.5%, 10% and 30%
Lansoprazole Pellets 7.5%, 8.5%, and 10%
Esomeprazole Pellets 8.5%, 10% and 22.5%
Pantoprazole Pellets 10%, 15%
Orlistat Micro-Pellets 50%
Tacrolimus Micro-Pellets 5%, 1% and 0.5%
Clarithromycin Tastemasked Micro- Pellets / Granules 27%, 33% and 40%
Mesalazine Micro-Pellets 60%
Itraconazole Pellets 22%
Azithromycin Tastemasked Micro Pellets / Granules 27%, 33% and 40 %

Company Information
Murli Krishna Pharma Private Limited
Business Type
Main Products
Pharmaceutical pellets, Omeprazole Pellets, Orlistat Pellets, bulk drugs intermediates
City / State
Krishna Chambers, Third Floor, 11 Galaxy Garden, North Main Road, Koregaon Park, Pune, Maharashtra
Established Year
Factory Information
Factory Size
Total QC Staff
Total RND Staff
Number of Production Lines
Annual output
Average Lead Time
Trading Information
Total Revenue
Export Percentage
Nearest Port
Overseas Office
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