N.Finders is a regenerative medicine specialized company.Incorporated anew in 2012, N.Finders Finder with related field experts has grown into a leading company in the regenerative medicine market.N.Finders has launched regenerative medicine brand "RE:" under the motto of "Regeneration". N.Finders has developed its flagship products RE: PRP, RE: PDO Thread for the first time in the world; filed a patent for the foregoing products; and extends their applications to the treatment of hair loss, obesity and so on as well as skin care on the basis of scientific evidences proven by clinical trials.Furthermore, N.Finders established R&D Center in response to everlasting environmental changes through aggressive and continued R&D and investment in facilities, growing into a regenerative medicine leader both at home and abroad.N.Finders Co., Ltd. which has led the South Korean beauty market with the polydioxanone (PDO) thread launched in April 2011, has re-created a brand based on regenerative medicine through in vivo and in vitro animal testing. RE: means regenerative medicine implying to return back. With diverse use of PDO thread, the company seeks for Re: Young, RE: Beauty and RE: health. N.Finders co.,Ltd. has launched its full-fledged marketing campaign and plans to release its research findings in the future.