Navitrans has many years experience of financing, construction, management and operation of the oil and gas industry in Russia. Attracting foreign investment and long-term loans for expansion and reconstruction of oil and gas facilities in Russian Federation.
Our Technology Organization works collaboratively with our Exploration, Production, Drilling and Completions organizations to maximize the value of our global assets. We advance technologies with collaborative efforts that offer participants opportunities to develop ideas quickly, effectively and at lower cost.
Though the Company mainly operates in the Russian Federation, it implements the strategy of an efficient reserves increase and expansion of the territory of its activities not only outside the, but out of the Russian Federation as well. Spin-off of the Company's interests was the reason for opening the offices in the Asian, Middle Eastern, African and near-abroad countries.
Our Innovative Development Program is an essential element of its development concept. The Company innovation efforts are designed to modernize its operations base and develop and implement new technologies aimed to help the Company achieve its operational objectives. Those include reserves replenishment, recovery efficiency enhancement, full utilization of associated gas, effective implementation of offshore projects, deeper oil refining, higher energy efficiency, lower capital and operating costs, and environmental and industrial safety assurance.