we are bag factory in china, we are specialized in designing, producing and exporting all kinds of bags, such as backpacks, school bags, travel bags, cooler bags, trolley bags, laptop bags, messenger bags, beach bags, handbags, hydration bag, medical bags, cosmetic bags,triangle bags, waist bags, promotional bags and all kinds of functional bags.We have area over 12000 S.Q.M. There are more than 300 employees in our factory at present.There are 60% workers with more than 6 yearsexperience and 20% with more than 10 yearsexperience. Our R&D team can produce up to 40 new products per month and provide samples within 3-5days. We have 8 production lines, and our present monthly output can reach to 250,000 pcs and annual turnover is around 10 million Dollar USD. Our clients mainly distributed in Western Europe, North & South America and Austrilia.We also accept OEM/ODM projects according to our clients specific requirements. We have long term business relationship with many world famous brands: Disney, Wal-Mart,Timberland,Reebok,Fila,Slazenger,Lotto, Target,,etc.We welcome you to visit our factory,as a professional bag manufacturer for all kinds of bags in China ,we sincerely hope to establish business relations with your esteemed corporation.