Quanzhou Lingke Bags is mainly for producing various of bags. The sales person and the management are all with around 15 years experiences on dealing all the details from inquiry, quotation, samples, productions. We can give you the reply in 24 hours with our professional suggestions.Our main products are Backpack, sports bags, leisure bags, promotion bags, cosmetic bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, travelling bags, waist bag, trolley bag, handbags, wallet and so on. We have around 198 workers in our factory now. Our monthly production capacity is around 200,000pcs basic backpack. We have done business with some famous brands, like AVON, JAFRA, LOREAL, JANE, ROSSMAN, BIPA, ALDI, NBA, UNILEVER, K-Mart and Disney products etc. We well understand on European and American testing requirements. All our materials can pass REACH or CA Pro-65 standard if you need. Welcome to visit us any time you want!If you have any bag inquiries, kindly pls feel free to send us emails.