SHIELD LTDis a leading manufacturer of Steel Noise Barrier, Steel Fence and Steel Hoarding.Every single pieces of our products are all made in Korea and certified by POSCO, Dongbu Steel and Dongguk Steel.Total 20 years of experience in terms of Steel Construction material industry,Become a prime solution provider to its partners all around the world.Most of the Products are made with Korean Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel(GL) which is super durable and much more anti-corrosion compare to normal galvanized steel.GL Steel is our identity, competitiveness and the thing that make us different.Our products stand still in any type of weather condition from Tropical to polar region.Thanks to SHILED, many clients has become the leader of noise control and hoarding industry. The construction needs fundamental changes. It needs to be changed into more eco-friendly and user-friendly way.Thank you for visiting SHIELD and it will be your first step to change your country's construction environment.