It has entered the eld of laser medical treatment since 2000, PHOMED laser has established itself international-ly in the Iaser therapy scene for its use in the mostdiverse disciplinary elds: from physiotherapy to rehabilitation, from muscle and joint pain management to sports medicine and veterinary medicine. With a relentless commitment to innovation, the PHOMED Laser devel-opment team is dedicated to oering the most advanced laser technology.Experienced the evolution now a new brand PHOMED LASER whose beginning PHOMED laser specialization in the development of therapeutic solutions based on laser sources and magnetic elds and research: an integrated and free research, inuential and open to innovation, an essential meeting point between theory and practice, science and production, between ethics and market needs. The motivation that has guided PHOMED along the journey that has seen it engaged in countless interdisciplinary researches has been the strong desire to pursue the well-being of the patient and to enhance the professional-ism of the therapist: the goals of a tireless work that has placed the individual and its needs at the center of its operation in view of the recovery of optimal patient conditions, through a journey of care and attention toward every curative need.