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5-level Osmosis Water Filter
5-level Osmosis Water Filter
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15-30 Days
Main Products : Water treatment, lime problem treatment, drinking water treatment, magnetic water treatment, Sewage Plant, Water Purification, River Cleaning
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5-level Osmosis Water Filter Details
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5-level Osmosis Water Filter Introduce

This 5-level osmosis water filter is with automatic backwash cleaning.

In addition to the 5 different filters it has a built-in boiler for heating water up to + 99 ° C. A small cooling unit for the summer months. An ozone nozzle for disinfection and ionization, cleaning of fruits or vegetables is also included. Automatic filter and line cleaning every 4 hours with backflushing.

It is suitable for private and business use, cafes, hotels, offices, restaurants etc. who want to sell slightly alkaline water, it is also very suitable. Nice design with a compact 15 kg, with water withdrawal for tea e.g. right at the buffet. In front a nice touch display underneath the tap.

On the side is a second tap for filling bottles and jugs. Mounted on the wall or placed on the table, it makes a huge difference. Because those who want slightly alkaline water are happy to pay.

He manages 6000 liters until a complete cartridge change is announced. This is easy to implement and cheap at the same time. Touch display, Video installation instructions or PDF delivery worldwide! Condition: New

5 different filters:

- Filtro PP Polipropileno Wings Water PP 5 micron polypropylene filter

- Filtro de carbon wings water UDF Particulate Activated Carbon Filter

- Precision PP Wings Water PP Accuracy of 1 micron

- Filtro membrana osmosis Wings Water Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter (RO)

- Filtro Alcalino Wings Water Alkaline filters

Filtering of sediments, particles, bacteria, chlorine, fluorine, toxins, viruses etc.

automatic backwash cleaning

Temperatures 5-38 ° C

with touch display

automatic self-cleaning every 4 hours,

the filter lines Water temperature output setting: 15 ° C - 99 ° C via built-in boiler.

Capacity: 8 liter tank

water cooler

Wall bracket side bottle filling

Water ionization With ozone function nozzle for disinfecting vegetables, fruits etc.

Filter quantity 6000 liters

Filter volume per day 378 liters

easy commissioning

easy cartridge change

Direct sales ex works,

Shipping possible worldwide! Sell 5001 pieces of this prosuct and you haveyour own Brand on this Products! See picture description, if you have any questions contact me. Payment in euros is possible.

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