Camellia oil is a vegetable oil extracted from Camellia seeds grown in pristine mountainous region in Eastern and Southern China. Camellia oil is commonly called Camellia Seed Oil and is known as Chinese Olive Oil. Products are routinely evaluated to ensure the highest quality raw materials are used. The many benefits of Camellia oil are well-known to generations of Chinese as they have been passed down for thousands of years.Dakseed® Camellia Oil is extracted from Camellia seeds through a highly refined process whereby only the first generation of cold-pressed oils are used to ensure the highest quality product available. Dakseed® Camellia Oil is 100% all natural and recognized for responsible farming and sustainable agriculture and forestry practices.Dakseed® Camellia Oil is 100% free from pesticides, heavy metals, aflatoxin, erucic acid, cholesterol, salicin, trans fat and other additives.