The weldedstainless steel Johnson water well screen is made up of supporting rods and wire screening strips. V wire Johnson well screen, unlike every other type of screens. Johnson well screen uses a unique design consisting of a series of steel support rods around which a continuous length of wire is wrapped. Each intersection of wire and rod is automatically welded making a very strong cage-like cylinder with one continuous slot spiraling along Johnson well screen’s full length.
Protection For Your Pump
The slots of Johnson water well screen pipes are very narrow and precisely sized to keep out even fine sand grains which could otherwise destroy your pump through abrasion.
Lower Pumping Costs
Even with narrow slots, the total open area for the water to enter is far higher than any other kind of screen design. More water with lower pumping costs.
Longer Well Life
The slots widen inward so sand grains don't wedge and plug. The Johnson water well screen pipe is stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance. The high open area of a Johnson water well screen pipe lets the water enter slowly to avoid the problems which arise when water is pumped at high velocity.
A More Efficient Well
Part of well construction involves a process called "well development" in which finer sand grains are pumped into the well and removed. By the end of the process, only the larger sand and gravel particles are left next to the well screen. the water then passes freely around these coarse particles and enters the well.
Remember that every drop of water from your well must first pass through the well screen. A Johnson water well screen pipe is stronger, more plug-resistant, longer lasting, and more efficient than any other screen design available anywhere. That means more water for you, for a longer time, at less cost.
• Low maintenance costs with minimal encrustation or build-up of scale
• Lightweight and easy to install
• Ability to withstand high pressures and high temperatures
• Inert properties include resistance to chemical attack
• Nonconductive
• Non residue producing
• Environmentally safe with NSF/ANSI 61 certification