Biological Fertilizer
A TO Z : Phosphate Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer
A TO Z : Phosphate Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer
FOB Price
Gat no.14, Manyarkheda, Tehsil-Jalgaon, 425003
A TO Z : Phosphate Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer Introduce

Applications: As a plant nutritionalbiofertilizer for the overall development of the plant

Product Brief: A to Z PSF is a phosphatesolubilizing bio-fertilizer. Phosphate is the nutrient for plantsinducing vigorous growth and also contributing to their diseaseresistance. It helps in root formation and Plant growth. Theplants utilize only 15-20% of the phosphate applied. AtoZ PSF hashighly efficient phosphate solubilizing fungi that grow andsecrete organic acids, which dissolve this unavailable into asoluble form and make it available to the plants. Thus, theresidual stable fertilizers in the soil can be well utilized andexternal application can be optimized.


Improvement in organic matter as a result to improve soilporosity requires the uptake of nutrients.Improve beneficial microorganisms in the soil.It solubilizes insoluble phosphate so that plants can easilytake it up.It reduces the use of fertilizer.It assures early and effective germination of seeds.Helps plants to absorb inaccessible nutrients in the soil.Produces plant growth-promoting substances such as auxin andcytokinin.Ecofriendly, used in drip irrigation effective and efficientuse for organic farming.Nontoxic to animals, plants, and insect predators.Enhance resistance against plant disease

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