Aflalfa, Clover grass mixture Dry Hay top Quality A+
Aflalfa, Clover grass mixture Dry Hay top Quality A+
FOB Price 300 - 350 USD / 330
30 1
30 round bales 1.25x1.25m 300kg
Lead Time
15 days
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Glinsko vrelo 195
Aflalfa, Clover grass mixture Dry Hay top Quality A+ Introduce


We are amanufacturer of top-quality hay for all animals. Top qualityalfalfa hay and clover grass mixture with ecologicalcertificate.

Ourproduction is located in Croatia near Plitvice lakes where isplenty of fresh clean drinkable water which results inhigh-quality agricultural products.

Ourproduction is controlled by three government agencies, threeEurope Union agencies, and one private agency,

Whichresults in guaranteed top-quality hay for all kinds ofanimals.

Cows,Sheep, Horses, Camels, Rabbits, Goats.

Our cultivationpractices are up with newest standards of EU from which we getmoney support. So, our main core of practices is to use them withtop standards, also we would like to share information that we have3.500.000m2 of our own land, which is ours 1/1 ownership, and theland that we use was not used since it was war in Croatia (formerYugoslavia). Which resulted in a way that none of herbicides andpesticides and any other technology wasn’t used on that land. It isa land that has been cleaned from natural growth forestation whichresulted in top class organic rich soil that gives us top qualityclean products with rich nutrients. Since we are in cooperationwith EU fonds and money support of agriculture, we are obligated toprovide everything to multiple inspections which operate andcontrol agriculture business. Long story in short, there are threegovernment of Croatia agencies, that control our production, threeEU agencies that control work of our government agencies and oneprivate agency that controls is our production in order with topecological environment standards. We are obligated to send analysisof our soil and our product each year to government laboratory thatis controlled by EU agency. Our location is known from past withhigh quality hay for breeders of all sorts of animals. Cows formilk production, Cows for meat production, Horses, Sheep, Goats andthat many others since they have similar digesting system. Now weoperate on 130 hectares of land and our production is 650 tons peryear and with Genuine buyer we could grow our production up to4.200 tons annually. With that information given, it is reasonablefor everyone that we want to be the best in any question.

We provide Phytocertificates, certificates of origin, Ecological productioncertificates of our products, laboratory tests, etc.

Hay is cut when theweather provides it the best. We cut it with advanced machinerythree times in a year, sometimes maybe four cuts before the flower,when it has the most nutrients. Naturally dried on the sun, thenbaler at in right time to get perfect moisture and nutrientcontent. With a quality contract, we could improve our already verygood results by 30%, because it would give us support in investingin more advanced machinery which would result in a more efficientway of production.We are aware that wehave round bales, and it doesn’t fit the containers best, but withthe contract, we are looking to invest in Krone multi-bale 870square balers to get the most tons into the container.

Our currentproduction is 650 tons a year, but with a quality contract, wecan double our production each year up to 4.200 tons yearly infive years.

We arelooking for serious buyers or serious distributors,

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