Supplementation of direct-fed microbial (DFM) as a means toimprove the health and performance of livestock has generatedsignificant interest over the past 15+ years. A driving force forthis increased interest in DFM is to reduce or eliminate the useof low-dose antibiotics in livestock production. This increasedattention toward DFM supplementation has generated an extensivebody of research.
BioProhas developed natural microorganism blends that can bemixed with your feed ingredients to optimize thedigestive tract and improve the growth of larger,healthier, animals over a shorter duration.
BioProhas a line of concentrated products that degrade wastefrom cattle, swine and poultry. These productssignificantly decrease the release of ammonia and othertoxic gases while making the waste easier to handle. Ourproducts increase fertilizer value by sequestering thenitrogen, phosphorous and other nutrients into themicrobial biomass.