Aviation Gasoline AVGAS 100LL
+ Designed for aircraft with spark-ignition piston engine
+ Blue colored aviation gasoline with a high octane number
+ Octane number measures the fuel's ability to resist compression without detonating, which is the most important property
100 is the aviation lean rating
LL stands for low lead
Supphur content: Max. 0.05 % m/m
Lead content: Max. 0.56 g Pb/l
Caloric Value: Min. 43.5 MJ/Kg
ASTM D910 & NO-91-A235 Defence Standard
DEF STAN 91-90, 4th ed.
* Unleaded, Ethanol free
* Naturally colourless
Sulphur content: Max. 0.05 % m/m
Lead content: Max. 0.013 g Pb/l
Caloric Value: Min. 43.5 MJ/Kg
Certificate: LAA-999-413 & FAA
ASTM D7547 & DEF STAN 91-90
Delivery Package
Tank/container ISO 20': 23.7L at 15 deg. C (17,000 Kg)
Steel Barrels: 195L (145 Kg), 55L (40Kg)