Brand: Coin
It all begins at foothills of Himalaya’s where farmers hard work,soil and water gives it rich natural Aroma and test and finallyafter all quality process Vikramaditya Coin is produced. This isperfect served with curries and gravies. You can also preparevariety of dish.
Sweet taste
Vikramaditya Gold
20% More volume
Vikramaditya Rajdarbar
Vikramaditya Basmati rice is aged up to 2 years and to bring outthe taste and aroma and texture.
Extra-long basmati rice
Vikramaditya Rozana:
It is defined by its broken Basmati grains and distinguishedBasmati aroma and texture. For those who prefer a value-for-moneyproduct for daily consumption, this distinctly aromatic andflavourful variant will take care of your inclination and makeevery meal memorable. Despite the grains being broken, theyelongate up to three times their original length whencooked.
Vikramaditya Regular Choice Rice is aged Basmati rice for dailyuse