Dear sir,
We are Chang Foods, a general food trading company that focuses on exports in Korea.If you are interested in importing soybean cooking oil from Korean manufacturers, please reply.
It is 18 liter per piece, and the quotation may vary depending on the quantity and other conditions.Please note that a wider range of specifications and related items are available.
We trust that you will be interested in this proposal and hope that a mutually profitable relationship will soon be established.
18 liters ,soybean cooking oil, Soybean oil, 16.5 kilrogram piece,saturated fat 113 percent ,1 day per 100g Soybean oil 99.9 percent Container Material, PE, IronFrying, Cooking.
Nutritional Information: Saturated Fat 107%, 100g, 1 dayIngredients,USA,Argentina18 liters, soybean oil, Soybean oil, 16.5 kilrogram, 148,500 Calorie.
Soybean oil 99.9 percent ,foreign, USA, Argentina Container.
Material: PE, IronUsage, Frying, CookingNutritional Information, 107 percent Saturated Fat, 100g, 1 day