Bio NPK is a Mixture of three types of bacteial fertilizers. onceof them is a nitrogen fixing bacteia ,azotobactor or azospirillumor rhizobium, depending on the crop .Azotobactor is used for highland crops like vegetables , field crops , fruits ,plantationcrop.Azospirillum is used specially for paddy. It can also beused for upland crops also. Rhizobium is used for leguminouscrops only like lentil, moong, pea,arhar, groundnut.The second isphosphate solubilizing bacteria which soluble fixed phosphate inthe soil.The third is potash mobilizing bacteria (fraturiaaurantia). More over BIO NPK supplies hormons and enzymes whichhelp in plant growth and reduce pest & disease attack.
Benefits -
1.Solubalize the insoluble form of phosphate .
2.Increase flowering and fruiting body
3.Maintain soil ph .
4.Biopromoter facilitates root formation and plant growth .
5.It improves soil quality with subsequent uses.