Nuts & Kernels
Bitter kola/Garcinia kola
Bitter kola/Garcinia kola
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7 1
Lagos sea port
Sealed ziplock bag
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Main Products : Bitter kola, Dried hibiscus flower/leaf, Ginger, Garlic, Peppermint leaf, Nutmeg, Onion.
10 Aba road, by Artillery junction
Bitter kola/Garcinia kola Details
Bitter kola/Garcinia kola Introduce

The early blends of Coca-Cola contained the plant, explaining thesimilar name, while the current formula of the world famous drinkis no longer flavoured with actual bitter kola.

Bitter kola has been used in traditional African medicine forcenturies, and is considered to have many beneficial properties,including being able to help fight bacterial and viralinfections.

In terms of taste, the plant is well named! The edible seeds havea notably bitter taste, while there is also a slight sweetness tothem. When consumed, bitter kola offers many nutrients, andstudies have shown that the plant is high in carbohydrates, fat,protein, vitamin c, calcium, potassium, iron and caffeine.

Traditional medicine considers bitter kola to be anaphrodisiac, so it’s believed to increase sexual desire,pleasure and performance. With these qualities in mind, why nottry some bitter kola to help turbo-charge your sex life!

With symptoms ranging from uncomfortable to debilitating,osteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis. It’scharacterised by the degeneration of joint cartilage and theunderlying bone, causing pain and stiffness, especially in thehip, knee, and thumb joints. The causes of osteoarthritis caninclude joint injury, obesity, aging as well as hereditaryfactors.

3. Bitter kola has antibacterial qualities

A study published in the Science Journal of Microbiology hasshown that both the bitter kola seeds and leafs haveantibacterial properties. Bitter kola was tested againstStaphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus Pyogenes, Salmonella typhiand Escherichia coli, and the plant was able to inhibit thesemicroorganisms. The antibacterial activity was found to be dueto the presence of bioactive components in the extract such astannin, and saponins.

4. The nuts may improve the function of the lungs

Results from research conducted in conjunction with severalNigerian universities showed that bitter kola has a positiveeffect on the lungs and can improve ventilation levels.Extracts of the plant have also been studied in relation toasthma, and there is the suggestion that bitter kola may havesome protective effects against the respiratory disorder.

5. Bitter kola nut may improve the immune system

Bitter kola has a high concentration of antioxidants, which isa term for any compound that counteracts free radicals. Whileenvironmental stressors such as tobacco smoke, ultraviolet raysand air pollution cause free radical production, they are alsoproduced by many normal processes in the body includingexercise and our immune response. Free radicals damage DNA,cell membranes, and other parts of cells. So, as well as beingessential assistance for important functions in the body,antioxidants also support the immune system. With a strongimmune system we are better able to fight disease and stayhealthy.


6. It may be an antimalarial agent

Bitter kola contains the antioxidant kolaviron, which accordingto research published in the Asian Pacific Journal of TropicalMedicine, shows positive results for antimalarial properties.Traditional healers have for many years prescribed bitter kolafor the treatment of malaria infections, and now, scientificstudies are starting to support their beliefs.

7. Bitter kola may help to fight glaucoma

Glaucoma is a condition of increased pressure within theeyeball, causing a gradual loss of sight, and can result inpermanent blindness if left untreated. A study in the MiddleEast African Journal of Ophthalmology, showed that bitter kolais useful for reducing the pressure in the eye for newlydiagnosed patients, and was as effective as more conventionaltreatments. It is important to note that you must followprofessional medical advice and treatment if you have glaucoma,even if the condition is newly diagnosed.

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