Carbon molecular sieve is a material containing tiny pores of a precise and uniform size that is used as an adsorbent for gases.
- Apperance: 1.7-1.8mm cylindrical
- Period of adsorption 120S
- Bulk density 680ï½ÂÂÂÂÂ700g/L
- Crushing Strength ≥ 95N/ granule
âÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂPSA Nitrogen Generation Process
1. Air Feed System
The environmental air supplied to the PSA system should be compressed and purified to get rid of the dust, the oil and water.
2. PSA Nitrogen Generation System
While the compressed and purified air flows through the adsorbent bed with CMS inside in a bottom up way under the pressure of 0.6MPa, the oxygen molecules will be adsorbed by the solid surfaces of the CMS, and the enriched nitrogen will be output from the top of the bed to the container