Features of Seil PS Plate Positive
Our high quality products are based on our long experience in this field. As an ISO 9001 certified company, Seil PS Industrial Co.,Ltd. is dedicated to fulfilling customers' needs and satisfaction through the latest manufacturing facilities and strict quality control.
Seil PS Plate guarantees you high quality color printing work with good characteristics of ink on printing area and dampening on non-printing area. The dark green photosensitive layer provides you very distinguishable image area.
1. Multi - Graining
Printing plates are directly related to final print quality. By capitalizing on our Multi-Grain technology, proven as the world's standard for Pre-Sensitized (PS) Plates, we secure printing of clear quality.
Graining is a very important process to determine quality of products by strengthening the contact of photosensitive layer on aluminum support, improving dot re-productivity and water receptivity. Increased holding property of Multi Grained surface provides easier ink & water control and suppression of smearing in course of printing work.
2. Anodizing
The purpose of Anodizing (Anode oxidation; Alumite) is to chemically form an oxide film layer on the aluminum plate's surface. Hydrophile property and durability against abrasion of plate surface can be improved by doing this process.
Anodized layer greatly extends plate life by minimizing plate wear and tear in printing work. Two layers of Oxide filmis created an inactive layer on outside and a thin vitality layer on inside.
Oxidation layer forms six angles pillar style cells with small pores.
On this account, durability and water conservation become superior by improving adhesive strength between anode oxidized layer and photosensitive layer by forming water receptive insoluble layer on Multi Grained surface.
Anode oxidation after graining also determines ink and water control in this regard, association of graining and anodizing decide PS Plate's quality as well as printing quality.