Textile grade of CMC (DENCELL-TS), used in warp sizing process due to its film making structure. It can be used with or without starch. Some of the superiorities of DENCELL-TS can be mentioned as;
1)DENCELL-TS can be soluble in cold water.
2)Heat or steam supply does not needed during the sizing process with DENCELL-TS.
3)To remove DENCELL-TS can be done by cold water after weaving process completed. Enzyme or heat unneded.
4)Some starch covered spots may left on yarn even after a fine removing and rinsing process in a starch used sizing process. This starch covered spots may cause color discreapancies on dying process and it may cause reduction on the dye quality and finally on whole finished product. Since DENCELL-TS can be removed by cold water, this kind of risks does not occur in DENCELL-TS used yarn sizing processes.
5)DENCELL-TS is a much more productive and economic product comparing to starch.
6)CMC can be replaced with the ratio 1/3. It means 1 KG. DENCELL-TS can be replace with 3 kgs. Of starch.
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