SAP G10-10-15 is a compound organo-mineral granular fertilizer of slow-release. It is produced using sapropel with a high content of organic matter and mineral salts. It shows high performance due to slow release and maximum plant nutrition – the percentage of nutrient uptake is 80-90%, that is 1.5 times more compared to mineral fertilizers.
Organic matter≥20%N≥10%P≥10%K≥15%
Our pellets, on the one hand, deliver nutrients to the plants, and on the other hand, avoid the negative impact of high concentrations of mineral salts in the soil solution, improve soil structure, preserve humus, maintain soil microbiological activity, as well as, stimulate the growth and development of plants due to the availability of natural biologically active substances in optimal concentrations.
The size of the produced pellets is from three to five mm, it is the most demanded size for the mechanized method of application.
Farming (cereals, beans, oil plant, forage crops, vegetables, greenhouse cultivation, other);Orchard (lawns, ornamental trees and shrubs, fruit and berry crops and shrubs, fruit trees, flowers);Vegetable garden (greenery, vegetables, root crops, beans, cucurbits, other);At home (indoor plants, house and balcony plants, culinary herbs).
Manufactured under conditions that preserve the living microflora of sapropel, unlike analog products from a variety of carbon sources (such as leonardite);Environmentally harmless and friendly formulation;Cost-efficient use;Increases the germination capacity of plant seeds;Improves plant growth and development;Increases the biomass of plant roots by more than 20%, the above-ground parts of plants – by more than 10%;Increases plant immunity to unfavorable growing conditions – heat, drought, frost, diseases;Improves nutrient penetration into plants;Improves metabolic processes in plants;Reduces pesticide and nitrate remainings in products;Promotes recovery of weakened plants;Stimulates fruitery quality;Improves the taste and nutritional value of the products;Prolongs flowering time of flowering plants;Reduces the crop ripening time;Increases the yield of agricultural;Recommended for all crops.
Widespreading for broadcast seeding crops.
Locally for line seeding crops, into seedbed when planting seedlings, into pits when planting young plants of fruit and berry and ornamental crops.
20 (twenty) liters, 1000 (one thousand) liters