Credential Used Clothing (Untouched Used Clothing)
We have good quality Credential Used Clothing.
Some people might refer to them as "Original Used Clothing" or "Untouched Used Clothing".
All of our Credential Used Clothing are untouched and come in the same original bags that were donated to us.
We do not open the bags that were donated to us and therefore we only assemble them in big bales weighing between 850 LBS to 1050 LBS.
In each bag, you will find Used Clothing for Men, Women, and Children.
In each bag, you will find Used Clothing for the Winter, the Spring, the Fall, as well as the Summer season.
All of our Credential Used Clothing is being donated to us throughout the year and therefore you can be assured that the Used Clothing are up-to-date with the current fashion on the market.
Our Credential Used Clothing bags contain Used Clothing with popular clothing brands on the market such as: Nike, Adidas, Zara, Gucci, Jordan, Michael Kors, H & M, Forever 21, Converse, Victoria's Secret, Hollister, Versace, Abercrombie, Guess, and many other brands worn by the North American population.