Degreasing Agent (DYLASURF D-21)
DYLASURF D-21 is a very strong degreasing agent of anionic material and it can be used for dyeing process and tanning as well as soaking process. Especially, when used for products which requires strong degreasing such as hog or lamb leather, it shows outstanding ability of degreasing even without organic solvent. It enhances dispersion and emulsification of liming is superb and re-absorption prevention prevention function is great so that it can make clean leather.
+ Physical Properties
Appearance : Transparent Liquid Active Ingredient : non-ionic or special anionic surfactant Active : 70±2% pH : 7.0±0.5
+ Characteristics
It has an excellent emulsion penetration and dispersion effect, so accelerates degreasing. Even without any extra organic solvent, suitable degreasing effect can be achieved. Uniform permeation of chemical and dispersion effect, which are used during liming and tanning process, are provided. Regardless of type of ion, it can be mixed because it uses nonionic surfactant as a main ingredient, which is stable for acid, alkali, and light water. It makes low bubble and enhances work efficiency and decomposition of organism is superior so that discomposing of wastewater is easy and little effect on environment negatively.
+ Applications
Degreasing Process : 0.3 ~ 0.4% Liming Process : 0.2 ~ 0.3% Tanning Process : 0.1 ~ 0.2%