Next-generation filler for cosmetic surgeon
Dextran prosthesis filler
- Name of the product: Subdermal Filler
- Name of the model: Licol D (Hard) & Licol Gold (Soft)
- Material: Cross-linked Dextran with Lidocaine
Purpose of use: Temporary improvement of adults’ facial wrinkles causing physical reparation by injecting cross-linked Dextran in the subderamal area
Summary: Licol D and Licol Soft are tissue repair material whose major ingredient is Cross-linked Dextran and Lidocaine which is added for the purpose of pain reduction. It is a filler injected in the subdermal area for improving facial wrinkles for a limited time period.
Packing unit: Licol D-1 1.0ml x 1 syringe / box
Licol Soft 1.0ml x 1 syringe / box