DIP Switch DP
●Contact rating
switching 25mA, 24VDC
non-switching 100mA
●Contact resistance(After life test) 100mQ Max. (300mQ Max. for Tin plated type)
●Insulation resistance 1000MQ Min. at 100VDC
●Dielectric strength 500VDC Min. for 60 seconds
●Leakage Current 2mA Max.
●Capacitance between adjacent switches 5pF Max.
●Temperature rating
operating -40C to +85C
storage -40°C to +85°C
●Operation force 800g Max. (SPST only)
●Mechanical life
1000 operations (EPH)
2000 operations (EPG/EPS)
●Humidity 95% RH, 40C for 96 Hrs.
●Vibration 10Hz-55Hz- 10Hz for 6 Hrs.
●Solderability After flux 245+5C for 5+1 seconds
●Resistance to soldering heat Solder bath:260+5C for 5+1 seconds