Video Script For Dried Cassava Chips
Welcome to E-Speed Limited,
Your gateway to excellence in agricultural commodity sourcing. AtE-Speed, we specialize in connecting businesses globally with thefinest agricultural raw materials and feedstock.
With us you can have access to both peeled and unpeeled driedCassava.
Our Food Grade Peeled Dried Cassava from E-Speed is agame-changer. It's used to produce flour, Starch, Ethanol andtraditional African Foods. Renowned for its unique texture andversatility, it's a culinary canvas waiting for your inspiredtouch.
Our Unpeeled Dried Cassava Chips is an industrial grade used invery large volumes for animal feed and Ethanol production
1.Commodity: Food Grade DriedPeeled Cassava
Starch - 65% Maximum
Moisture Content – 12% Max
Crude Fiber :3%
Appearance – White
Total Ash: 9% Max
Add Mixture – 2.50% Max