The laminated glass of different utilization has differentthicknesses of the intermediate film.
The incision of original side shall be appropriate in cutting todeliver satisfactory edge peeling effect. The dimension shall beprecise without difference larger than 2mm lest blisters beproduced due to uneven edge. The cut glass edge shall be grinded,then cleansed using sheet washer. The cleansed glass surfaceshall not have residual oily soil or other impurities. The laststage of cleansing must use softened water lest reject beproduced due to low bonding strength. The cleansed glass shall bedried and placed to be cooled to room temperature beforeuse.
The processing environment shall have a temperature of 20—25℃,and a humidity of 25% (18 - 23% for automobile glass) and shallbe totally enclosed and clean without dust. The workers shallwear antistatic clothing. Before merging, the PVB film shall bestored for 24 hours in the environment of the merging room. Inmerging, the film is spread on glass and smoothed out to bemerged with glass, with trimming allowance controlled as about2—3mm. The workers shall take strict precautions againstoverlapping of films, and in trimming, shall strictly guardagainst pulling films to cause glue shrinkage. Never directly useyour hand to hold glass or film to produce a fingerprint to causeblister and adhesive failure.
Process of rolling method
Place the glass which has been preloaded and has air ventedvertically on the bracket, with the glass span being greater than5mm. After the glass is put in the autoclave, seal the door, thenfirst heat up to make the temperature in the autoclave up to 45℃,and heat and pressurized simultaneously. In the first stage, thetemperature is 60℃- 80℃-, and the pressure is 0.6Mpa - 0.8Mpa.Hold the temperature for 40-60min after it reaches 125℃- 135℃ andthe pressure reaches 1.10Mpa—1.25Mpa. Then dwell and cool to 40℃,and begin to decompress to barometric pressure to finish thehigh-pressure forming. The temperature of heating, pressurizing,and decompressing must be closely controlled to prevent blistersin laminated glass.