Consumer Electronics
Commonly Used Accessories & Parts
Electric Cables
Electric Cables
FOB Price
Electric Cables Introduce

Our mission is to contact presumptive Governments / Clients /Customers eventually Buyers.

We can offer even Russian Mil. Helicopters, and ArmoredVehicle.

Armored Ambulance

Military Helicopter

ARMORED CARS "BURAN" - ALWAYS ON PROTECT YOURINTERESTSCommon to all armored vehicles of the line is a powerful dieselengine (200 hp), transmission, frame, power front bumper and mineprotection. The curb weight of the armored car varies from 5.6 to8.5 tons, depending on the modification (cargo, landing, medical,control car, etc.).

Full information about the BURAN family of cars, can be obtainedfrom the Brochure and other materials that you will find afteryou show and confirm us your interest for corporation. We deliverthose Products on CIF terms if the buyer are located over thesea. Air transport possible too. If any interest, welcome to sendus your contact details , and we revert by e-mail.

Our Producer & Manufacture is located in Europe and have longperformance records. Manufacture are specializes incable/ wire development andproduction, for applications with advanced fire safetyrequirements, and highest requirements to operation conditionssuch as Nuclear power stations, Offshore objects, includingOffshore drilling ice-resistant platforms and Offshoreice-resistant off-loading terminals, Surface and Under-watervessels – Submarine industry, Underground railway systems, Ironand Steel plants, Machine-building industry, Seaports, Mines,Aerospace industry, Railway industry and a lotmore. Our Cables are operated in different climaticconditions from Far North to Tropics. All products weoffering and deliver, are certified by internationalclassification societies including DNV GL, ABS and RMRS.Manufactures quality management system complies with ISO9001:2015.




Thank you for taking time to go through our business profile. Ifthere are any questions, inquiries or comments, please feel freeto contact us.