Ultra-thin plate provides the perfect solution for quick and easy installationof floor heating under wooden or composite wooded and stone floors.
The combination of a heat-conducting surface (aluminum paper), an insulating EPS plate span>small distribution manifold and load distributing strip ensure optimum heat reflection upwards. AS a result, low temperature of hot water will suffice to provide desired heating comfort and reaction time.
The ultra-thin plate consists of a 12mm polystyrene plate(EPS) covered with a 0.5 mm aluminum paper with a special profile. Depending on the desired effect, the heating pipe(PE-Xa or PE-RT) is installed in each groove, ensuing a good heat distribution even into border of the room. The EPS foamed board with excellent impact reduction and load distributing strip are assembled and constructed together without using cerment. The aim of strip is fixed to support the impact. We connect the pipes with small distribution manifold to reduce the pipe pressure. Finishing board can be wood,composite wood.