KF-280 Acupuncture Ring Finger Massager
1, This is one of the easiest ways to forget your fatigue and daily depression; Forget. About numb fingers and toes and finger and toes tiredness; Stimulate neural system And brain activities.
2, Human hands are extremely sensitive, and have richest neural system of human body. So if you give your fingers a nice and easy massage and acupuncture, it upgrades Your spirit immediately.
3, Put it on any finger of your hand or any toes of your feet, and slightly roll the Ring back and forth along the finger.
Including attractive crystal box, it can Be used an excellent gift and promotional item.
KF-287 pinhole glasses
1) The glass helps to relax the eyeball muscle, and adjust eye focus.
2)Theory is very simple: When the eyes can only look through the small holes, they naturally change focus to a relaxing standard, so that the eyeballs are relieved from the previous nervous focus.
3)You can feel the relaxation once you ware it and afterwards.
4)Good and simple eye relaxation for a large population whose job causes.
5)tired eyes: Students, teacher, white collar, computer users...Age from child to aged people, etc.
KF-289 Foot Massage Gel Insoles.
1) High quality plastic material insole filled with gel and granules.
2) Feet are highly stressed every day by your body weight, so they deserve extra care and relaxation.
3) Permanent magnetic spots help to regulate human bio-magnetic fields, balance circulation system and neural system so as to maintain and improve health (can be used with or without magnets).
4) The gel inside goes from chamber to chamber, thus gives a gentle and soft massage to foot bottom whenever you are walking.
5) The gel and granules inside help to cool down the feet temperature, thus reduce sweat, so much less chance for germs to grow, and feet smells better.
6) One size fits all by easy cutting edge.
7) Sizes: A) Men's style: 39 - 45 b) Ladies' style: 36 - 39.
8) Gel color optional9) Quality high frequency seal10) Non-leakage seal guaranteed for load up to 500kg.