• Natural Chinese herbal medicine. Mainly used in fish. Improve body color, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, regulate blood lipid and blood glucose, protect liver and gallbladder, improve body immunity and improve animal production performance. Alleviate cell oxidative damage and better absorption effect
• Large yellow croaker: It can significantly improve the average body weight gain rate and survival rate of Pseudosciaena crocea, reduce the bait coefficient and improve the body color.
• Grass carp: curcumin can significantly promote the growth of grass carp and reduce the feed coefficient.
• Tilapia: curcumin can increase the weight gain rate, SOD activity and specific growth rate of tilapia, and significantly reduce the feed coefficient.
•Laying hens: it can effectively prolong the peak period of laying, alleviate oviduct inflammation and improve egg quality. It is better to use it with isochlorogenic acid.