IZZIZFingerENGINE in FIModule follows the commonly accepted fingerprint identification scheme, which uses a set of specific fingerprint feature points (minutiae). However, it contains many powerful algorithmic solutions, which enhance the system performance and reliability. Some of them are listed below:
■ Quality Check of Fingerprint Image ■ Efficient Feature Extraction ■ Fully Tolerant to Fingerprint Distortion and Rotation(360˚) ■ Fingerprint Enroll Mode with Feature Collection ■ Classification Feature by Global Feature Vector ■ Suitable Algorithm to 1:1 and 1:N Mode And, FIModule acts as a biometric subsystem with template & record data storage. FIModule can be used to any fingerprint application and be controlled by a host sending/receiving command via the standard serial interface. FIModule makes fingerprint templates and stores directly in flash memory. Templates can also be exported for external memory and be imported by external fingerprint device and IZZIX FingerENGINE algorithm (ex, IZZIX FD1000).